
Chat Stops are our monthly Social Gatherings

CHATSTOPS – All Members and friends are very welcome

Our Chatstops are held on the first Friday of each month, except for January, July, August and September.

Chatstops are free including a free cup of tea and a biscuit.

VENUE: War Memorial Hall, Tudor Road, Broadstone. BH18 8AW

We have a range of PHSG branded clothing that is available to buy.

Paperback books and raffle prizes are always gratefully received.

November’s Chatstop … A very informative Chatstop today, the ladies from Lewis Manning were very friendly and spoke about who they are and what they do. A lot of us had no idea they had moved from Evening Hill to Longfleet Road opposite the Hospital.

A big thank you again to all our helpers and for the raffle donations.


7th February

Details coming soon… watch this space

Future Chatstops:

To be announced….

The Dorset Buttons Morris Dancers
The Dorset Buttons Morris Dancers
The Dorset Buttons Morris Dancers
The Dorset Buttons Morris Dancers