
Chat Stops are our monthly Social Gatherings

CHATSTOPS – All Members and friends are very welcome

Our Chatstops are held on the first Friday of each month, except for January, August and September.

Chatstops are free including a free cup of tea and a biscuit.

VENUE: War Memorial Hall, Tudor Road, Broadstone. BH18 8AW

We have a range of PHSG branded clothing that is available to buy.

Paperback books and raffle prizes are always gratefully received.

June’s Chatstop … Another very pleasant Chat Stop today!  Short AGM from Keith with a few laughs thrown in!  A lovely surprise for our Lesley who has provided 25 years of her loyalty, time, experience and love for us all. Lesley’s name is now on our special cup.

Also, as always, Janet provided very good quiz sheets for us, which was great fun too.

Thank you again to all our helpers and for the raffle donations.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are sad to say that the July Chatstop has been cancelled.

There are no Chatstops in August and September so the next one is Friday 4th October 2pm – 4pm, where the Dorset Button Morris Dancers will entertain us

Have a great summer everyone

Future Chatstops:

1st November – Louise Hopley will give a talk and answer question about Lewis Manning charity

6th December – Christmas meeting with a choir

Lisa and Pete from Swanage Railway